

Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Radley house

Our whole neighbourhood thought that when Mr Radley passed, Boo would finally come out of the house. We didn’t expect Boo’s older brother to return from Pensacola and take Mr Radley’s place. The more Scout and i told Dill about the Radleys, the more he asked. I told him that Boo comes out when it’s pitch black, and that Miss Stephanie Crawford told us that one time she woke up in the middle of the night and saw him looking right at her through the window. “Ain’t you ever waked up at night and heard him, Dill?” I asked. “He walks like this-“ I dragged my shoes through the gravel i was standing on. “Wonder what he looks like?” Dill asked. I explained that Boo was about six and a half feet tall, judging by the tracks he leaves on the ground. He snacks on raw squirrels and cats, that’s why his hands are always bloodstained. There was a large scar that spread across his face; yellow teeth, large eyes and a drooling mouth. “Let’s try to make him come out.” said Dill. I asked if he wanted to get himself killed, trying to get Boo to leave the house was a bad idea.

It took me three days to decide if i was going to go along with Dill’s request. He kept calling me scared, but i denied it and said i was just being respectful. I knew I was scared, but i couldn’t admit it. Dill said that the folks in Meridian weren’t as afraid as the folks here in Maycomb, which made me instantly want to prove him wrong. I marched to the corner and stood in front of the poorly hinged gate. “I hope you’ve got it through your head that he’ll kill us each and every one, Dill Harris, don’t blame me when he gouges your eyes out.” I spoke as Scout and Dill stood next to me. Dill and i kept arguing because he thought i wasn’t going to do it, but i claimed i was just trying to think of a way to lure him out safely. “I won’t say you ran out on a dare if you just go up and touch the house.” Dill agreed. I was slightly relieved but still not happy about it. Scout and Dill left the corner, waiting to run up and hold Boo down if he did come out. I walked to the corner of the lot, then back, scratching my neck and frowning. I really didn’t want to do this. I took a deep breath before throwing open the gate and sprinting to the side of the house, hitting the wall and running back past Scout and Dill until i was safely on our porch. I looked back and saw the Radley house, looking as dull and droopy as always. We all stared at it for a while longer and i could’ve sworn i saw the inside shutter move. There was then a small movement inside, and then the house stood as still as ever.

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